Friday 27 September 2013

I've arrived!

On Saturday the 21st of September at 4.45pm I said goodbye to my family in Aberdeen to begin my journey to Cape Town. 20 hours later I arrived in Cape Town at 1.10pm (GMT + 1 hour) where I was greeted by one of the smiliest members of the African Impact team in Cape Town! Phwoof, I'd finally made it.

So, as it turns out, I really had nothing to worry about. I managed to navigate my way through the airport with such ease that it even surprised me! I even made a couple of travel buddies on the way, one adorable South African lady who I met in London, and Thomas, a Norwegian film producer who I sat next to on the flight from London to Johannesburg. Even although Thomas inadvertently stole my pillow on the plane (which he felt terrible about later!), he did offer me some great advice about abseiling, surfing, shark cage diving, climbing Table Mountain, and lots of other activities to do in Cape Town. Most notably however, he told me a story about his wife's experiences as a student in Cape Town which, well, scared me a bit. So I'm glad I met him on my journey because even although my friends and family kept reminding me about how dangerous South Africa can be for women, Thomas's story has prevented me from thinking "...but that won't happen to me". So I guess that's a good thing really, it means I'll be more alert and much less likely to get myself into silly situations.

On a much more positive note, all of the volunteers are lovely and the volunteer house in The Observatory (or Obz as the locals call it) is really nice and safe! On my first night in Cape Town we went to a comedy gig at one of the local pubs to hear some comedians from South Africa, Mexico and NY. We took the usual comedy-precautions, like sitting at the back and avoiding eye-contact with the comedians, but the whole evening was great even though some of the jokes were slightly offensive...well very offensive but it was all taken in good spirits! On Monday I had my first day in the office as a social media and marketing intern and got to meet the African Impact team in Cape Town. It is pretty exciting hearing about all 70 volunteering projects and going through 100s of amazing photos from the projects to post on Facebook or the website. I have been in the office every day this week except for Tuesday when I helped the other volunteers at a 3 day camp for a girls soccer team. All of the girls were really shy at first but they soon came out of their shell once we started playing some ice-breakers to help us remember each others names. Learning 16 African names was not an easy task, and remembering the volunteers names was not easy for the girls either. I soon became Sierra instead of Sarah, Evalee became Tivalee, and Michelle became Mitchell, but I'm pretty sure I mispronounced most of their names for the best part of the morning too!

So that's it, my first week with African Impact is now coming to an end but there are so many exciting activities for me to look forward to this weekend. I'm super-duper excited about going sky diving on Saturday and checking that off the bucket list. I think stepping out of the plane will be the most terrifying part but once I manage that then there's no looking back really..! On Saturday afternoon we've also booked tickets to see the South Africa vs. Australia rugby match in Cape Town. It is very rare to have a rugby match in Cape Town so we are all really looking forward to that and painting our faces with the South African flag and all that! As some of the volunteers are leaving on Sunday we have also booked dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant and all of us foodies are really looking forward to eating with our hands and trying some spicy food. Sunday sounds a bit more relaxing but we're hoping to venture to Robben Island or check out the V&A Waterfront. Lots of pictures will be taken to keep you guys up to date and dad, I promise I'll text you before and after sky diving so you know I'm still alive! :)
Sarah x 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Less than 6 hours to go.

Well, today is the day. In less than 6 hours I'll be making my way to Aberdeen Airport to begin my 20 hour journey to Cape Town. Crikey. I've spent quite a bit of time travelling around the world with my family but nothing can really prepare you for travelling on your own. I suppose I'm also a bit guilty for paying absolutely no attention to anything useful when we're travelling and, well, now I find myself worrying about the sequence of events which follows the initial check-in at the airport. Yes, really. In this last week I have become a worrier of epic proportions. My mind is full of 'what ifs' and there's a small part of me that just wishes someone would ask me to stay. But even though I'm worrying about all the small details, I know I'm going to have the most amazinggg time when I'm there :) So I'm going to take some advice from Bobby McFerrin - "Don't Worry Be Happy"!

What a cheery wee tune!

To take my mind off worrying I've also been adding lots of exciting things to my "All the fun, exciting, and potential life threatening things my guide book and the internet say I should do in Cape Town..." list. So far my list stands at 16 but I'm hoping to add a few more ideas to it once I get there.  So here it is, the list...

1) Meet the locals and teach the kids how to juggle :) One of the best things about volunteering is that you get the chance to meet the locals and get immersed in their way of life. They are always so happy to see you and spend time with you and that's what really makes the whole experience worthwhile!
2)Shark Cage Diving (Sorry dad).
3) Hike up Table Mountain and get the cable car back down. As one of the new 7 wonders of nature Table Mountain is a must see! 
4) Go whale watching at the Hermanus whale festival. Ah this looks so exciting.
5) Walk along the Garden Route.
6) Visit Cape Point, the most south-westerly tip of Africa.  Some beautiful beaches there!
7) Visit the Kruger National Park and go on Safari!
8) Go swimming with the penguins at Boarders Beach :)
9) Check out the sand dunes at De Hoop nature reserve
10) Visit Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
11) Go kayaking, rock climbing and scuba diving
12) Check out the Kirstenbosch summer sunset concerts at the foot of Table Mountain
13) Get street food. Specifically some Bunny Chow (it's not actually bunnies...!)
14) Visit the Cango Caves.
15) Go on a sight seeing tour bus. It has to be done everywhere you go!
16) Visit a vineyard or two...

Well I'll sign off for now and speak to you again once I'm in Cape Town :)

Sarah x

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Just 3 days to go!

So this is it. After many months of waiting, my trip to Cape Town is just around the corner. I have 3 days left to squeeze in a bit of last minute shopping, packing and goodbyes, and then I'll be off. On my own. I really am looking forward to my little adventure, but I'm feeling a bit more nervous than excited at the moment. And I have this terrible "I know I've forgotten something" sort of feeling. My family and friends all seem quite concerned about my occasional lack of common sense, my non-existent navigational skills, and my unrelenting desire to go shark cage I can see why they might be a little worried. So really my reason for starting a blog was to reassure everyone that I'm still alive and to tell you all about my 3 months in Cape Town as a social media and marketing intern for African Impact :)

I guess my experience of blogs starts and stops with my friend's fabulous fashion blog (Miss Millie Mae - check it out, she really is fabulous!). I've probably come across the occasional food blog when I've been busy searching for recipes but my knowledge of blogs and the blogosphere (can you call it that?) is pretty limited. My lack of knowledge about blogs therefore made it difficult to think of an appropriate bloggy-sounding name. I had originally thought that I would just call it Sarah's Travel Blog, but, well, it was boring. So then I looked for some blogspiration online. I found a blog name generator where you input your nickname, hobbies, important words etc and it came up with some, em, interesting options. Then I asked some friends for some advice and they came up with some catchy alliterations. But really, what I wanted was something more...poetic? So I searched for some travel songs and a website listing the top 12 travel songs popped up. I looked at the names of the songs and thought I should name the blog after the Iggy Pop song 'The Passenger' which I love. But then I came across the song '1000 miles away' by Hoodoo Gurus and it gave me an idea. So I looked up the distance between Aberdeen and Cape Town and found it to be 6,379 miles away. So there it is, the name of the blog then became 'Just 6,400 miles away...'. 

So I'll sign off for now and leave you with song number 9 on the best songs list. The Passenger by Iggy Pop...